Behold I stand at the door and knock...
"Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him..." (Revelation 3:20) A collection of my Sunday homilies for Holy Mass as well as some occasional talks and reflections. May my words enable you to hear the voice of Christ, who asks that you open the door to Him. Please share this podcast with others if you benefit from listening to it.
257 episodes
Christ is the Saviour of All
In our "woke" culture, where every difference is celebrated (and enforced) it may seem a counter-cultural claim that Jesus, born in Bethlehem, is the Saviour of every person.But that is not a claim we as Christians invented. On the c...
Season 6
Mary, the Holy Mother of God
This beautiful and ancient title given to Mary has weathered many objections over the centuries. It is a title beloved of Catholics and one we use regularly with great love. But to those outside the Catholic faith it is either misunderst...
Season 6
The Holy & Perfect Family - our model
Between the Nativity of our Saviour and the Solemnity of the Mother of God, our attention turns to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. This was a singular grace for Nazareth to have the perfect family, free from sin, living in its...
Season 6
Being properly "woke" & Back to our origins
The title of this podcast may seem somewhat strange. But I meant it to sound that way. Follow along with me and you will see what I mean that Christmas opens our eyes and our hearts as well as touching our humanity in a profound way....
Season 6
The Incarnation and perfect obedience
The fourth Sunday of Advent brings us not to the birth of Christ but to those nine months after his conception. Mary, the living tabernacle of the Lord, went on the first Eucharistic procession. She carried the Saviour to the house of ...
Season 6
Gaudete Sunday - Rejoice!
The beautiful and uplifting tones and sights of Gaudete Sunday lift our hearts and summon our minds to the nearness of Christ's nativity. We begin to experience the joy of all those who surrounded the birth of Jesus: His holy Mother and ...
Season 6
The Way of Readiness
On the Second Sunday of Advent, we are reminded of the vigilance that we need to be ready to receive our King; both in remembrance of His first coming at Bethlehem; in His regular coming in mystery and sacrament into our hearts and souls...
Season 6
Vigilance and Expectation
A new liturgical year begins! We find our attention being thrust forwards and backwards as we enter into this holy season of preparation and waiting. As our attention moves quickly back and forth, Our Lord demands of us vigilance and...
Season 6
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
The liturgical year draws to a close with this Feast of Christ our King.This was instituted in 1925, at a time when the world needed to hear loudly and clearly that the way to peace, harmony, and the fulfillment of peoples rests in a...
Season 5
The Second Coming of Christ and the End Times
As we come towards the end of the liturgical year, and the beginning of Advent, the Church always reminds us of the last things of our own life and the cosmic event that is the Second Coming of Christ. While awesome and of immense signif...
Season 5
Real Kindness
There are many lessons for us always in Holy Scripture. The two widows presented to us in this Sunday's readings demonstrate genuine and real kindness; not being nice; not being polite; but exactly what kindness is and should be. As Jesu...
Season 5
Divine Love in a human heart
The Scripture readings are centred upon love this Sunday. Charity is the virtue infused into our souls at Holy Baptism that enables us to love God for His own sake and to love others out of love for Him.The Sacred Heart of Jesus show...
Season 5
Saving Faith
Bartimaeus, the blind man, is healed of his blindness by Jesus in this Sunday's gospel reading.The joyful and trusting faith of Bartimaeus is both an example for us and an encouragement to us. It is a reminder that faith saves us, li...
Season 5
Suffering, Humility and Salvation
We continue to witness the apostles being taught and formed by Jesus in this Sunday's gospel reading. As we do this, we too are formed, taught and instructed. This Sunday we are called to examine the connection between suffering and humi...
Season 5
Who can be saved?
This is the question that the apostles ask Jesus after they witnessed the conversation between Him and the rich young man.A reasonable question in the circumstances it is. But Jesus leads them to understand both what it means to be s...
Season 5
Marriage and Matrimony
No longer does our society understand marriage as God does. It's part of the spiritual decline of the West.It is harder for us to remain faithful to what Christ taught us about marriage, which we also call Matrimony since it has been...
Season 5
Indifferentism and its problems
There is a teaching of the Catholic Church, repeated at Vatican II, and contained in the Catechism, that the fullness of truth and salvation is found in the Church through Christ alone.This is a nuanced doctrine because at the same t...
Season 5
St Tarcisius & Bl Imelda
It is First Holy Communion in my parish this Sunday. So, I would like to share with you the story of two children, a brave boy and a devoted girl, who both loved Jesus present in Holy Communion. May they inspire the children who will rec...
Season 5
Fatherhood & Evangelisation
Being Fathers Day today, I want to speak about the role and value of fathers in our family and in society. Apart from this day, I think fatherhood is generally undervalued.Then, since my parish is beginning the Alpha program I...
Season 5
I Am the LIVING Bread
The third instalment of the 6th chapter of St John's gospel, finds us watching the Jews, who clearly understand what Jesus is saying, go further into their disbelief and rejection of what He means. It is saddening to witness this, in muc...
Season 5
I am the Bread of Life Pt 2
In the gospel of this Sunday, Jesus maintains His teaching that He is the Bread of Life, despite the rejection He begins to experience from the Jews. We are also reminded that Holy Mass is both a memorial and a sacrifice.
Season 5
I am the Bread of Life
So says Our Lord Jesus in the gospel reading of this Sunday, which begins a four week reading of the 6th chapter of St John's Gospel.The Church invites us to listen and to ponder anew the teachings given directly to us by the Son of ...
Season 5